Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is late..

Hey Everyone!

This is ridiculously late and for that I apologize. I started this program the other day called "42 day Habit Changer." Basically it is a bunch of different tips and tools you can use to help you change your eating/exercise habits for the better. I am only on day 4 and so far it has been pretty good. I am interested to see how things turn out. The program is $25 and you can find it at www.habitchanger.com

Last night I made stuffed bell peppers for dinner. They are delicious and roughly 320 calories a piece! Here's the recipe:

1 lb ground turkey burger
1 cup white rice
1 can black beans
1/4 cup shredded cheese.

Mix the ingredients together, stuff roughly 6 bell peppers full and throw in the oven at 350 degrees for about an hour. When there is about 2 minutes left, throw some cheese on top. These are delicious and a great way to get your veggies in and it is a great source of fiber. I hope everyone has a marvelous evening! I am stuck at work until 8 p.m. CST...boo. Thanks for the read!


  1. Mmmmmm stuffed green peppers! I'm making them for Adam and I later on this week... if he's lucky! Hahahahahaha!

    PS - at least you're stuck at work with ME! ;) Love you!


    Ive never had stuffed bell peppers. Tis true, tis true!

    Lindsay says youve lost 50 pounds already?!

  3. I am going to have to try that recipe! Sounds delicious!
